Lodging and restaurant River Inn – Stari Banovci

Lodging and restaurant River Inn - Stari Banovci
Lodging and restaurant River Inn – Stari Banovci

Lodging and restaurant “River Inn” is located in Milenka Pevca Street 12 in Stari Banovci. It has 7 comfortable double rooms and 5 modernly equipped apartments. Each room or apartment has a private bathroom, Wi-Fi internet connection, and a TV. Breakfast is included in the accommodation price. In the pleasant ambiance of the restaurant, guests can enjoy a wide selection of dishes, desserts, and drinks, and various celebrations can be organized. RIVER INN is here to meet your needs.

Address: Milenka Pevca 12, Stari Banovci
Phone:  022 802 356
Email: office@riverinn.rs
Website: http://riverinn.rs/

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