
Winery Milanović – Surduk
Winery Milanović – Surduk

The winery Milanović is situated on a high cliff near the Danube, in the Srem village Surduk. In 2008, the owner of the winery, Dejan Milanović got an idea of broading its vineyard to 5 ha. He chose to cultivate the white types, out of which he would make tasty wine like Sila, Neoplenta, Italijanski rizling, and the red types like Probus and Frankovka. This winery is very often the final destination of many wine tourists. The reactions of those who tasted wine got from best sorts are more than just positive, since the tourists did not have a chance to taste something that is homemade. The red wine Probus as well as the white wine Sila and Neplenta got several quality awards.

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